Climate Action
Sustainable Development Goal #13

Climate Action

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Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

The world's industrialised nations have changed the balance of the earth's carbon cycle over the last 150 years by burning large amounts of fossil fuels. Climate change has the potential to derail other efforts toward sustainable development by altering weather patterns that threaten our food production and increasing sea levels which will displace coastal communities. We need to increase awareness and convey urgency to world leaders so we can begin combating climate change before it is too late.
1-4 feet
how much sea levels will rise by 2100

How to Help

You can help restore the earth's climate by donating to one of these trusted environmental projects on GlobalGiving:

Ecosystem Restoration | Australia  

Purchase and Protect Forever Endangered Rainforest

Rainforest Rescue's Daintree Purchase and Protect Forever Project purchases and protects high conservation value rainforest. Nature Refuge s…
Climate Action | Costa Rica  

Plant 30,000 native trees Costa Rican owned farms

Pay community men and women to plant 30,000 trees (65 species) in biological corridors covering water springs and rivers in Guabo Valley wat…
Climate Action | United States | District of Columbia  

Engaging with Congress on Climate Change Solutions

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) has worked as a nonpartisan policy institution since 1984 to provide science-based educa…

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