Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake

by Mavi Kalem Association
Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake
Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake
Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake
Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake
Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake
Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake
Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake
Support 1000 women affected by the earthquake


This project aims to support 1000 women affected by the disaster with basic hygiene, health and dignity kits and to provide them with access to protection systems against violence.

total goal
monthly donor


Two devastating earthquakes of 7.8 and 7.6 magnitude in Turkey have turned into a terrible disaster. Women are experiencing the consequences of this disaster very severely. Women who take care of children, the elderly, the sick and the whole family cannot access clean water, hygiene materials and cleaning tools. As their social support networks are weakened, they are more vulnerable to violence and cannot access public mechanisms to protect them from violence.


The project will provide 1000 women with kits consisting of cleaning hygiene and dignity materials and clothing. A mobile counselling unit will be established to protect women against violence and provide access to public services. This mobile unit will provide information in tent camps and settlements far from the centre and ensure that women are in contact with public service providers.

Long-Term Impact

With this project, 1000 women at risk of violence will have access to basic care and hygiene items and be informed about public service providers, which will strengthen their protection from violence and their physical health.


Organization Information

Mavi Kalem Association

Location: Istanbul, Fatih - Turkey
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @mavikalem
Project Leader:
Arzu Karacanlar
Istanbul , Fatih Turkey
$1,525 raised of $30,000 goal
32 donations
$28,475 to go
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