Project Report
| Jan 29, 2015
The Struggle Continues for Low-Income Children
By Jennifer Cullenbine | CEO and Founder
![One backpack can make a big difference]()
One backpack can make a big difference
The end of January means students have made it through half of the school year but have their supplies? Many low-income students have already run out of the supplies needed to succeed in class or do homework. For these students, running out of paper and pencils means they once again struggle to participate in the classroom. Imagine not having the tools needed to complete the work asked of you and having no way of being able to change that. You can be that change.
Cesar, a 5th grader from Clyde Arbukle Elementary shares the difference you make. “Thank you for the backpack because my parents do not have money. It is a help to my family. Thank you for helping me and other students.”
So many students still need your help. Your donation equips students in need with the tools for continued success in the classroom and beyond. Let’s make a new year’s resolution to continue to help break the cycle of poverty through education.
![The resources needed to succeed in the classroom]()
The resources needed to succeed in the classroom
Nov 2, 2014
Supporting STEM Education
By Jennifer Cullenbine | CEO and Founder
![A trio of smiles and backpacks]()
A trio of smiles and backpacks
Our 2014 Back-to-School Drive saw massive growth with 32,866 backpacks donated; a 24% increase from 2013. With your generosity, we were able to distribute these backpacks to the students most in need in our community. In the past few weeks we saw thousands of backpacks enter our warehouse and exit in the hands of teachers and school administrators to go make a difference in the lives of low-income Bay Area students.
The best part of what we do at Family Giving Tree is being able to see and share the reactions of teachers and students alike when they receive their brand new backpack. Amanda Kirkpatrick, a 4th grade teacher in San Jose expresses her joy, “This is so great. All week and all day the kids were asking, ‘Is it backpack time? I hope I get red pens; I hope I get pencils.’ They really come in with nothing…It means the world to them to have something that’s theirs. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
Seeing the joy on the kids’ faces, like the ones pictured here, makes the hard work all worthwhile. Thank you for your generosity, without which this successful drive would not have been possible.
![Pure excitement and joy!]()
Pure excitement and joy!
Aug 4, 2014
The Warehouse is OPEN! It's Backpack Season
By Jennifer Cullenbine | CEO and Founder
![Preparing backpacks is fun!]()
Preparing backpacks is fun!
Our Back to School Warehouse is open and already backpacks are coming in! Over 600 volunteers of all ages will sort and prepare the backpacks for distribution to over 190 schools and agencies. The more backpacks that come to our warehouse means the more low-income students we are able to help in the community. Our goal this drive is 27,000 backpacks; that's 27,000 local students entering the classroom ready to succeed and take ownership in their learning.
It seems like an ambitious goal, but according to 2012 statistics, there are more than 353,000 students in the Bay Area who qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program. It's really just a drop in the bucket. Click here to help equip more low-income students with the tools needed to help break the cycle of poverty. Your donation is going towards making our goal a reality.
![Sorting in our warehouse]()
Sorting in our warehouse