As per the latest report more than 50% of women and children in India have anemia and malnutrition. The goal is to detect, treat, and prevent anemic & malnutrition condition among mother & children. This will reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) & Maternal Morbidity Rate (MMR). The project aims to provide basic health care services through regular checkups for pregnancy, ANC & PNC, vaccination, medicines, counseling, timely immunizations, nutrition for mothers, infants & young children.
As per National Family Health survey, more than half of women and in India have anemia, including 39% with mild anemia, 15% with moderate anemia and 2% with severe anemia. Nearly 50 - 80% of Indian mothers suffer from anemia due to iron - deficiency in their diet. Maternal anemia invariably translates into anemic infants and newborns. About 30- 40 percent of newborns suffer from low birth weight due to maternal anemia and malnutrition.
Major Activities under the Projec to solve this problem: - Monthly Health Clinics - Counselling by Doctors and Nutritionist - Laboratory check ups - Medicine & Nutrition disbursements /supplements - Cooking demonstrations - Health awareness sessions - Home visits and Follow ups - Referrals
Community based Nutrition solutions /dietary intervention would build healthy food practices and understanding which in turn reduce the anemic condition & malnutrition among mother and children. Overall Knowledge, attitude and practice of community on Health, Maternal Child Health and Nutrition would be positively changed. Around 10,000 Reproductive age women and children would directly be benefited and their health conditions would be improved through this intervention.