If you have donated before please do that again this month. Giving Tuesday launches a global initiative to help non profits raise money before the end of the year.
Our new goal is reading, math, science, technology music and encyclopedic knowledge by two for every child. This will significantly alter the course on Turning the Tide on Academic Achievement.
26 years ago our son Bryan was born, and from the very first moment I could not keep my hands off him. I have been present to the tension of birth for a long time and was certain about my Rolfing abilities. So on day one he had his first Rolfing session. By the time he was four months all 10 sessions. A year later his advanced session and in-between he had a massage form either his mother or me every day.
I was also thanks to the work at the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential aware of the fact that the brain grows by use and stimulation. So from the very beginning we stimulated his senses, sight by turning the lights off and on a number of times in a dark room, sound by playing various music, taste by letting him put his little mouth to different objects, smell by exposing him to various spices and smells, and touch by varying his exposure to different, textures placing him on a vestibular stimulation by holding him by his little fingers and doing hangings placing him on an exercise ball and turning him this way and that.
By the time Bryan was one he could read over 1,000 words, count to 100 in English and Spanish, knew his abc's and could identify hundreds of bits of intelligence
He graduated high school at 17, was one of the first 400 kids accepted to Georgetown, worked for EdWeek.org for about 4 years and is now a senior copy editor for a large sports news program.
I am not a college graduate, his mother passed away when he was 10,l we were not financially wealthy so this is actually possible for every child.
In tye past year we have distributed another 1,000 computers reqching another 5,0000 kids right here in our region .
We need an Assistant Executive, Marketing/Pr video editor/producer development director volunteer manager assistant technology director, research assistants.
1: In the past 15 years we have distributed over 12,500 low cost refurbished computers reaching over 60,000
2: This past summer we refurbished 40 desktops and 30 laptops for Arise Charter high school that serves kids that are homeless, living in shelters or in foster care now there are ready for a new school year..
3 computers in every classroom and a laptop cart loaded with computers.
4 This summer we distributed over 200 more computers to families in need.
5 We helped a charter school in Washington DC get 50 flat screen monitors 6:
6: Wawa just donated over 50 laptops 6:
7:We had over: 20-25 volunteers every Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday volunteering and or working.
8 Local restaurants donated over $5,000 to provide lunches.
9 We had 27 people attend our first workshop on Poverty & The Brain
10 We are working with Aspira of PA to extend their early learning program that will reach more than 600 low income mostly Hispanic children living in one of the highest poverty areas in our state.
11: We are going to continue hosting workshops on how poverty affects the brain..
12: We are working on creating a relationship with a day care program to introduce
Massage/Rolfing for babies, children and families as well as our 21st century high quality early learning programs.
13: We have sponsored over 10 low income people through the curriculum of Landmark Education