Project Report
| Jul 24, 2012
August 2012 Update
By Elizabeth Abshire | Executive Director
Margaret at Orkeeswa School in Tanzania
Hello dear AfricAid supporters,
Thank you so much for your support to help supply texbooks to classrooms in Tanzania. We set a goal of reaching $6,000 and with the help of 126 generous donors like yourselves we only have $825 left to go! Once we have raised this money, we can deliver text books to Tanzanian students that allow them to improve their lives and their community. Books are such a fundamental part of education that they are often taken for granted in the U.S. Books are vitally needed in Tanzania where students and schools often cannot afford them.
Thanks to your generous support, children throughout Tanzania will receive books to enhance their educations. An educated child will continue to improve his/her community, creating a positive impact on the entire country.
We're so grateful for you! Asante sana!
Elizabeth Abshire
Aug 11, 2011
August 2011 Update
By Elizabeth Abshire | Executive Director
Losinoni Kids
Hello AfricAid friends and supporters,
I returned from Tanzania in June and had the pleasure of delivering books to several classrooms. It was incredible to see the happiness and pride the children took from the books. In Tanzania, a book is a very precious gift and the children are grateful for the opportunity to have a book and go to school. It was heart-warming to see the children's delight and their eagerness to read and learn.
Thank you very much for your generous support. Without you, these children likely wouldn't have school books and many sit in class trying to simply remember everything the teacher says.
At AfricAid, we're committed to growing our textbook program and will continue delivering books in Tanzania, ensuring they reach children in need who would have no other way to obtain them. Together, we can make a difference.
Asante sana,
Elizabeth Abshire
Executive Director, AfricAid
May 11, 2011
Delivering books at Losinoni Primary School!
By Ashley Shuyler | Founder and Executive Director
Dear friends,
Tomorrow morning, I will be leaving for my annual visit to Tanzania. During my six weeks there, I will be visiting several of AfricAid's partner schools, all of which are doing important work to support education in this East African nation. I couldn't be more excited to see how our students have grown in confidence and leadership over the past year.
During my upcoming school visits, I will have the chance to oversee the distribution of textbooks at AfricAid's partner schools. By the time we write you next, we will be able to share photos and testimonials from those schools. We know that the students of Losinoni Primary School will be especially ecstatic to receive copies of "On My Way To School," a book written about Tanzanian childrens' walk to school each day. We know that these books are creating vital learning opportunities for Tanzanian students -- opportunities are rare for the majority of Tanzanian students. Thank you for making this possible!
I have attached a photo below. I hope that the smile of this Tanzanian student helps to convey just how needed and appreciated your support is!
We look forward to writing next time with photos and testimonials from the partner schools receiving your books!
All my best,
Ashley Shuyler