T-Zen Report:
During the last 3 month, we had worked one several activities to accelerate the inclusion of Haitian migrants in Chile. We did this with many national and international partners.
Plebiscite/ referendum: As we know 04th September 2022, was a period of the referendum in Chile when most people refuted the new constitution proposal. More than 514.623 migrants could take part, between them, we found more than 26 575 Haitian migrants that could participate as voters. But most of them did not have very good information about the referendum and the new proposed constitution. Is the reason why we did a campaign to inform them all about the process: E-flyer with information, Push Message, Livestreaming with guests, Zoom conference. To share some link:
- Advice to go to vote to avoid paid amends: https://youtu.be/d5MuTnRc9o0
- Conference zoom and Live Facebook “How to vote on the referendum?”
- Livestream and conference zoom about new proposal constitution
Activities with the Churches:
We visited more than 5 Haitian Churches in Chile and held workshops for the people and shared with them some experience of success. Financed by Digicel Group.
Activities With Civil Society:
Many organizations of the civil society and public institutions, including the Haitian Embassy Haitian weekly or monthly realize activities to help migrants in Chile, specifically Haitian who live far away from Santiago. Each institution has staff travel to some cities abroad of Santiago to serve some Haitians who cannot come to Santiago to find free migration orientation. Each activity can serve between 200 to 500 Haitian or more. With the cooperation we have with them and with the sponsorship of Digicel Diaspora, we try to be there in each activity to inform people about the migration process, opportunities in Chile, and avoid travelling irregularly to go to Mexico and USA. From this moment, we took part in 3 more activities.
Intercultural Workshop (United Way Chile):
Working a collaboration with United Way Chile, we are responsible as Translator of Haitian Kreyol and designer and facilitator of Haitian Culture Workshops, of the project "Strategies for participation and linkage of Haitian families in JUNJI kindergartens", financed by the fund "Chile commitment of all and all 2021", of the Ministry of Social Development and Family. In this sense, the main actions to be developed are detailed below:
1. Design of Haitian culture workshops.
2. Implementation of workshops on Haitian culture for technical teams from 38 teachers and kindergartens in the Metropolitan and Valparaíso regions.
3. Translation of pedagogical content material (manuals and infographics)
4. Platform content translation (App)
T-Zen Insight
The insight of the platform T-Zen is increasing compared to last month. Here some elements:
YouTube (2k): http://www.youtube.com/c/TZen-migracion
AppStore (13K) : https://n9.cl/9zalc
Facebook (13k):
Instagram (894): https://www.instagram.com/tzen77/
Tik Tok (1k): https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeUoAoYK/
Twitter (456): https://twitter.com/Tzencht
Web (2k visited): https://tzen.cl/
Activity With Haitian Embassy in Chile
Worshop United Way