El proyecto es vital para la salud comunitaria y proteccion de ecosistemas, construira tecnologias sustentables en 6 comunidades nahuas y tenek y es parte de una trayectoria de empoderar pueblos originarios y mujeres en la Huasteca de San Luis Potosi --- This project is vital for community health and ecosystem conservation, installing sustainable technologies in 6 Nahuatl and Tenek villages as part of a long history empowering indigenous peoples and women in San Luis Potosi's Huasteca
Las comunidades enfrentan degradacion ambiental, enfermedades respiratorias y gastrointestinales por la deforestacion, falta de acceso a agua limpia, contaminacion septica y agricultura no sustentable y requiere soluciones tecnicas y organizativas --- The villages face environmental degradation, poverty and respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses, caused by deforestation, lack of clean water, septic contamination and non-sustainable agriculture, requiring technical and organizing solutions.
Impartiremos un curso de educacion ambiental a 23 tecnic@s, y colectivamente construir 26 estufas ahorradoras, 2 sistemas de cosecha de lluvia en clinicas y escuelas, 5 banos secos, ayudando 1089 personas --- We will provide an environmental education course training 23 village specialists, building 26 smokeless cookstoves, 2 rainwater harvesting systems in clinics and schools, 5 dry toilets, helping 1089 villagers.
Genera comunidades sustentables y capacidades locales para lograr soluciones a las necesidades ambientales y sociales, fortalecera el liderazgo de las mujeres y la organizacion comunitaria, alimentacion saludable y proteccion de los bosques y cuencas --- Generate sustainable communities and build local capacity to resolve environmental and social challenges, strengthen women's leadership and community organization, healthy food production, and forest and watershed protection.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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