Environmental Education For Better Life

by The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life
Environmental Education For Better Life


Hazara Khyber is an area in Pakistan that has a rich and diverse landscape, with the immense beauty and abundant wildlife. The area has a big population with very little conservation education, this has created a problem with litter, over-use and poaching. A team of 22 volunteer are going to take on this challenge and run: 1. Environmental and Awareness campaigns for children and adults. 2. Implement practical projects such as litter clean-ups and upcycling.

total raised
monthly donors


Haripur district is the gateway to Hazara division and the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. Despite the economic benefits of its wildlife, the people living there are unaware of its value. Rampant illegal hunting of wild species, even to the point of near-extinction, has caused severe economic, environmental and social damage to the area. With the rare Green Parrot, Green Dove, Gray Goral and Deer hardly ever seen in the wild. We have to bring real education and awareness to the people in the area


PES is an enthusiastic team of volunteers dedicated to protecting the environment in Pakistan, with a focus on the Hazara region. Their mission is to create real change in the area, to bring about a better life for all. To achieve their goal, they are implementing several initiatives, to educate and rehabilitate the area.

Long-Term Impact

The restoration of the environment will reduce poaching, clean up the litter and bring socio economic change. Many wild plants provide useful substances like timber, paper, gum and more, which also brings economic value restoring and preserving these will help the community. This will improve food security and the health of the people in the area.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization

Location: Durban, KZN - South Africa
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Yvette Taylor
Durban , KZN South Africa

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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