The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization is an international non-profit conservation organization that seeks to reverse the decline of the plant and animal kingdoms and our environment through education and action. We are committed to the creative and responsible rehabilitation of Planet Earth and bring new solutions to this field. For example, we created a term for the basic principle underlying everything we do: Cooperative Ecology (CoEco). Through the application of this principle to each of the projects we take on, we are seeking to instill in people a sense and understanding that all life is interdependent, and that the decisions we all make affect the natural world, and then, in turn... read more The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization is an international non-profit conservation organization that seeks to reverse the decline of the plant and animal kingdoms and our environment through education and action. We are committed to the creative and responsible rehabilitation of Planet Earth and bring new solutions to this field. For example, we created a term for the basic principle underlying everything we do: Cooperative Ecology (CoEco). Through the application of this principle to each of the projects we take on, we are seeking to instill in people a sense and understanding that all life is interdependent, and that the decisions we all make affect the natural world, and then, in turn, circle back to affect the health and quality of life of each one of us. Basically, CoEco demonstrates that all life does best when it works together with other life towards mutual survival. When this concept is implemented, it better connects everyone to nature, and is a way of getting people to better co-operate with each other and the natural world around them. Our purpose in working to infuse the concept of CoEco into society is to bring about a New Age of constructive decision making.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Yvette Taylor | Director
In a world of uncertain times, when so many fear that conditions will continue toget worse, there is a need to bring about more strength and stability in people’slives, and more health and... Read the full report ›By Yvette Taylor | Director
This book takes young people between 12 - 18 (depending on literacy levels) through a series of exercises, each aimed at getting them to look at the effect that they have in the world, and the... Read the full report ›By Yvette Taylor | Director
The world is connected in many ways, no one survives alone. When a person is encouraged and enabled to look at the world through a different lense they can learn a lot about themselves and how they... Read the full report ›