My name is Ceci, I am 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. Since summer 2020, I have been coordinating and collaborating with the CAJITAS VIAJERAS "Traveling School Kits" initiative created by Instituto Nueva Escuela, a non profit that promotes the Montessori philosophy and methodology in the Puerto Rico public schools. To accomplish our goal, we will be receiving donations to buy the books and material listed below. For more information e-mail me at
As a direct consequence of the pandemic related to COVID 19, face-to-face education in school campuses has been interrupted. In response, and while the pandemic lasts and it is impossible to return to school, INE and its 52 Montessori public schools have created the CAJITAS VIAJERAS project with the aim of continuing, at a distance, the educational work of middle school and high school students.
The CAJITAS VIAJERAS concept is a rotary one, in which the books and materials are delivered to the student's home and subsequently rotated between students within the same Montessori settings. With these Traveling School Kits, we can guarantee that these young students receive books and materials through which they can continue their learning at home.
At the moment, the Montessori public schools in Puerto Rico have 31 middle school settings, with 683 students, and 23 high school settings, with approximately 400 students. To this effect, the CAJITAS VIAJERAS initiative will impact approximately 1000 Puerto Rican public school students.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).