E2E creates mutually beneficial relationships for developing communities and our private sector partners by designing and executing high impact projects, and linking the projects to efforts that create a meaningful culture of Corporate Responsbility in Colombia. Your contribution will fund our organizations work and projects in 3 strategic lines of work: Peacebuilding, Environmental Protection and Education where we currently work in Antioquia, Magdalena and Sucre, Colombia!
More than 32% of the population in Colombia lives on less than $2.50/day. Environmental threats such as increasing deforestation and biodiversity loss threaten the most vulnerable populations-- the rural, poor and underserved. Financing for development from governments and other organizations often doesn't reach these communities in need. The private sector is an untapped resource to solve poverty and environmental degradation, yet in Colombia, a true, impactful culture of CSR doesnt exist.
E2Es innovative model solves the aforementioned problems by reaching out to the most vulnerable communities and supporting them by offering them training and support during projects design and implementation. Then, we work with a private sector partner who will fund the project, we implement the project alongside the community, and then give the private sector partner support, advice and visibility as they work towards developing a meaningful CSR culture and reputation in their business.
Training and Capacity building is central to our model. We make sure that developing communities are empowed with the appropriate tools and knowledge to manage their own impact and development. This ultimately contributes to long-term savings and sustainable growth. By providing benefits that we believe will have tangible, economic returns for investing corporate partners, we are shifting corporate behavior to ensure that businesses positively impact society and the environment in the long term.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).