Geek Girls LatAm is a women-led technology community that promotes and offers opportunities where girls, youth and women in Latin America can use, appropriate and actively link with the creation of technology. GGL inspires, empowers and connects with the STEAM areas to positively transform the environment of women and contribute to the construction of a more prosperous, diverse and equitable society. Help us to bring social empowerment to 300 girls in Colombia. #SponsorAGeekGirl
- 8 out of 10 women have male leaders - 9 out of 10 women are concerned about the low number of women in the technology field. - 1 out of 5 organizations is committed to women 's hiring and leadership progress in technology. - 100% Opportunity of writing a new story for girls, young women and grown women in Latin America. We work with girls and teenagers to increase the number of women in STEAM areas leading the digital economy and close gender gaps diversity in the tech industry.
We create learning processes around technology, to form creative, strong, independent and capable girls to reduce inequality and gender violence gaps and achieve the empowerment of girls and teenagers through teaching and strengthening tools such as technology & tools for STEAM careers, where women are a minority, with the active participation and articulated work of men, boys, school and family members, as a tool for raising awareness, achieving equal opportunities for boy/men and girl/women.
The project will educate 300 girls and teenagers, allowing them to expand their curiosity for STEAM areas and expand their possibilities to contribute to a greater economic growth. It will strengthen the gender equality approach since STEAM education promotes greater participation of girls, teens and women in teaching and learning process in STEAM areas. The knowledge they acquire is replicated generationally.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).