This project aims to expand access to information so that socially minoritized individuals can easily access and utilize a range of information on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) that is relevant to them. Through this project, many socially minoritized individuals who are often marginalized or denied access to information and education on SRHR in South Korea will be able to access the practical information and education they need and be empowered.
Most information and educational materials are centered around cis-gendered, heterosexual, and non-disabled people, making it difficult for them to find practical resources that are relevant to them. Migrants and refugees living in South Korea face difficulties understanding information on SRHR due to language barriers and cultural differences. Many minorities are also barred from accessing information and education on SRHR, and their health rights and autonomy are more easily violated.
Sign language videos, multilingual versions of videos and information materials, easy-to-understand language information materials, illustrated materials, and online training content will be produced and distributed. Parents, teachers, outreach workers, social workers, and healthcare providers will be provided with relevant materials that can be delivered directly to individuals and guides to help them break down stereotypes and recognize their roles and responsibilities.
Through this project, many socially minoritised individuals who are often marginalised or denied access to information and education on SRHR in South Korea will be able to access the practical information and education they need and be empowered.
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