Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop

by Fundacion Musica para la Vida, A.C.
Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop
Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop
Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop
Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop
Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop
Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop
Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop
Covid-19 for Mexico: education cant stop

Project Report | Nov 25, 2020
Breathing music/Respirando musica

By Laura Robledo | Coordinadora en Comunicacion y Gestion

virtual class
virtual class


El día a día de millones de niños, niñas y adolescentes se ha transformado radicalmente. Para los alumnos/as MUVI, ha sido de tener como rutina el despertar temprano para ir a la escuela, convivir con amigos/amigas, hacer ejercicio, abrazarse, reír, aburrirse o entusiasmarse en clase, regresar a casa,.comer, apresurarse para ir a clases de música, llegar a las 4pm, tener clases con el maestro/a de instrumento, convivir, ir a ensamble de orquesta, regresar a casa a las 8pm, cenar, convivir con la familia, dormir. 

 Y ahora, las clases de la escuela en línea, y ver, según el alumno/a, de dos a tres veces a su maestro/a de música a distancia.

La adaptación ha sido difícil, y se han desarrollado diferentes problemáticas sociales, entre ellas: ansiedad, aburrimiento, discusiones entre familias, estrés.

Sin embargo, en palabras de un alumno, la música se ha convertido en aire para respirar. El hacer música es un respiro profundo de paz, tranquilidad, destreza y muchos retos. La música es un espacio virtual en donde la pandemia, y otros problemas, pueden hablarse, resolverse y buscar alguna solución.

Aunque la disponibilidad de dispositivos móviles para poder tomar las clases no ha sido cubierta, estamos buscando los medios para ofrecer a todos/as los niños/as la oportunidad de seguir tomando clases a distancia.

La música no puede parar, sigue y seguirá.





The daily lives of millions of children and adolescents have been radically transformed. For MUVI students, it has been a routine to wake up early to go to school, hang out with friends, exercise, hug, laugh, get bored or get excited in class, go home, eat, hurry to go to music classes, arrive at 4pm, have classes with the instrument teacher, hang out, go to an orchestra ensemble, come home at 8pm, have dinner, spend time with the family, sleep.

 And now, the online school classes, and see, depending on the student, two to three times to their music teacher from a distance.

The adaptation has been difficult, and different social problems have developed, including: anxiety, boredom, arguments between families, stress.

However, in the words of one student, music has become air to breathe. Making music is a deep breath of peace, tranquility, skill, and many challenges. Music is a virtual space where the pandemic, and other problems, can be discussed, solved and a solution sought.

Although the availability of mobile devices to take the classes has not been covered, we are looking for the means to offer all the children the opportunity to continue taking distance classes.

The music can't stop, it goes on and on.
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Organization Information

Fundacion Musica para la Vida, A.C.

Location: San Luis Potosi - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Laura Estela Robledo
San Luis Potosi , San Luis Potosi Mexico

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