To create a cadre of skilled youths, trained in the trades like beautician, tailoring, dress making, hotel utility/waiter and mobile repairing. They will become self-employed or can be helped to start their own enterprises. Women will be economically developed and support the family income. It will reduce domestic violence on women. Anti-social activities will be reduced in the slums and the youths will be engaged in work and contribute to make the country a "New India".
Bhubaneswar is the capital city of Odisha and a hub to migrant population. Main reasons for migration from villages are low incomes and a misguided expectation that life in the city will be easier. Even though there are some youths who have completed high school/ college education, the slum environment and assortment of diverse culture encourage them to be involved in antisocial activities. Lack of confidence, skill and knowledge on job opportunities force them to do labor works.
Ruchika encourages youths to take up meaningful and gainful employment opportunities and contribute to their household income. Hence it strives to identify possibilities among the youth and in light of this increase their employability through confidence building, skill development training and personality development programs, so that they can be eligible to compete and enter into the job market.
Bhubaneswar, as a Capital city is growing fast. At present more than 13 million people live in the city. It is also observed that per capita income of allied group is also increasing which facilitates use of consumable goods and services. In a SMART city, the need for tailoring, dress designing, beautician, hotel utility/waiter are growing. In addition, use of mobile phones are becoming very common. This requires a huge group of skilled technicians in the job market.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).