Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India

by Community Organising for Rural Upliftment Society
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Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India
Shelter, Food and Care for Oldage poor Women India


The prime objective of the project to provide Food, Shelter, Clothes, Medical treatment and social security to Oldage destitute Women. The proposed project has been implementing since two years to providing for Food, Clothes, Bed sheets, simple Medicines to the Oldage destitute Women by the help and cooperation of the Philanthropists, humanitarians and other Donor Agencies in Local and international for this cause. In Kurnool District frequent drought and famine are common in this area.

total goal
monthly donor


Today many of the Oldage Destitute Women are living in most distressed and depressed conditions, because their Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters and relatives and other kin and kiths hesitated them and not giving proper respects and send them out from their houses without money respect and other moral values. Consequently, they have left own houses, villages went to the nearest city of Kurnool, getting daily bread by begging and dwelling to the slum colonies, roadsides, temples, churches and


It is proposed to provide for Shelter to the Oldage women, because they don't have Shelter, Food, Social security and timely medical treatment to them. So, that they are facing lot of problem during the rainy season without Shelter and protection by the heavy rains severs winds and cold. Thus, they have victimizing various type of epidemic deceases and so that, they are facing death and leading measurable life suffering from hunger, deceases and various types of problems.

Long-Term Impact

The long term objective of the project is to develop awareness among the people and their relatives. So, that we will got realization and come forward to their donations in shape of kind or cash for the protection and welfare of the Oldage Destitute Women.. By seeing the impact of the project the people will come forward to start this type of activities. Consequently, many of the elder women will be benefited a lot in the future.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Community Organising for Rural Upliftment Society

Location: Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh - India
Project Leader:
John Christopher
Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh India
$14,038 raised of $42,162 goal
315 donations
$28,124 to go
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