We provide education for 400 children, living in one of the most violent and poor areas of Venezuela- 24 de Marzo, Petare. Through our school, Jenaro Aguirre Elorriaga, we provide these children with access to education, a balanced daily nutrition and health care, as part of their fundamental human rights. This school has been created and maintained by the foundation, Fundacion Madre Maria Casar, in the interest of the schoolchildren and to contribute to a life more integrated to the community.
Due to the high inflation and distortions which affects Venezuelan currency, it is difficult to complete the fund collection in the local currency (Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte). With your help, we shall endeavor to give education of quality and communal support, to an important number of children and families in need.
This project will contribute to a good education to 400 children in our school. Most of these children are between the ages of 3 and 14, and their access to our system, the community programs and other benefits contribute to their present and future welfare, in the very dangerous streets of Petare. Our school is a part of regular education system in Venezuela, under the Ministry of Education; but additionally, the children are offered extracurricular activities as a way to enrich their education
The project aims to make sure that 400 underprivileged children are given a well-rounded education, their families are integrated into the community, and have access to basic rights and needs. The foundation has been working towards this goal for 16 years, and has so far made sure that 600 children are kept off the streets and given a chance for a better future.