Project Report
| Nov 26, 2024
Teaching Deaf Children to Sign
By Janet CHAPMAN | Project Leader
Deaf children in Tanzania face multiple challenges and stigma. Often they are not allowed to attend their local schools, and if they do it is very hard for them to succeed without specialist teachers to teach them sign language.
We have been working with Kigwe school for the last few years. This is a government primary school specifically for deaf children. Children learn how to use Tanzanian Sign Language, meaning they can communicate with their peers for the first time.
We were delighted to be able to help Kigwe set up a computer room so that children can start to use technology to assist their leaning. They also have special software to teach sign language which is a game changer.
So thank you for your generosity that has helped us help deaf children get onine.
With gratittude and best wishes for the festive season.
Jul 30, 2024
Empowering rural entrepreneurs
By Janet CHAPMAN | Project Leader
One of our local partners in Kigoma, MVG, is working with youth who have failed or dropped out of school for a variety of reasons, often linked to extreme poverty. They are now giving them hope for the future by teaching them entrepreneurship and presentation skills, as well as introducing them to IT for the first time.
One of them is Grace. a form one dropout. She is now building her confidence via this training and wants to start a food business.
Isaya got poor exam results but says “MVGs entrepreneurship programme has changed my attitude towards becoming an entrepreneur. I now want to build my own clean energy system. This will help me create employment to many other people while serving our environment"
They are also learning budgeting and financial management with spreadsheets, something that is completely new to them as they had never used a computer before.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting this project.
Apr 2, 2024
Celebrating International Women's Day online
By Janet Chapman | Project Leader
The rural government schools in Tanzania we support often suffer from a lack of teachers, particularly in science and maths. They generally have very few books or educational resources. Motivated students who want to become tomorrows’ doctors and teachers cannot succeed without passing exams. Therefore we provide offline content on flash drives, along with reconditioned projectors to allow teachers to display this to classes using their personal laptops. We train teachers and students on the best way to use technology to supplement their existing resources to enable students to succeed.
However many schools do not have access to electricity, and if they do suffer frequent power cuts. Therefore we were delighted to recently partner with Engineers Without Borders Norway to bring a solar power and router installation to Tumaini Open School, just in time for International Womens’ Day.
This means they can reliably use their laptops and projector to access learning materials and collaborate with other schools without fear of power outages.
Thank you again for your support.