Saving Lives at Birth in Kawempe amidst COVID-19

by Child and Family foundation uganda
Saving Lives at Birth in Kawempe amidst COVID-19


This project plans to provide access to free transport means of 500 pregnant mothers and sick newborns to health facilities in Kawempe. Pregnant mothers and adolescent girls die due to a lack of ambulance services when they need critical care in health facilities. In the COVID 19 era, the situation has worsened since ambulance services are rationed making them very inaccessible to pregnant mothers and girls who need transfer to a critical care unit hence the unnecessary maternal death.

total goal
monthly donors


High maternal mortality rates of 336 deaths per 100,000 live births persist in Uganda due to an overall limited capacity of health facilities to manage complications among pregnant women. Similarly, Neonatal mortality rate in urban underserved areas like Kawempe is 26 death per 1000 live births due to poor transportation means of mothers and sick newborns who are critically ill and need an intensive care unit, or emergency cesarean section. This project seeks to affect 203,800 women and children


This project will provide emergency care to (pregnant) mothers and children during the transition from one health facility to the next unit for critical care. The project will provide emergency technicians to support the mothers and children during the transition to another health unit for any emergency surgery or critical care. This project will reduce the number of women and children who die during the transition due to a lack of emergency care while moving to another facility.

Long-Term Impact

This project will increase access to emergency care and transport to about 500 mothers and sick children to referral health units which will reduce the number of deaths that result from the delayed transfer for critical care. It will further reduce the complications that result when mothers and children are transported without access to emergency care during the transfer process, hence better health outcomes and well-being.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).


Organization Information

Child and Family foundation uganda

Location: kampala - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @cfuuganda
Project Leader:
Babikako Harriet
kampala , Kampala Uganda
$747 raised of $41,000 goal
6 donations
$40,253 to go
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