Project Report
| Oct 30, 2015
Mary sits for her final exam
By Lucas Fwamba | Project Officer
Mary dropped out of school in form 3 due to pregnancy. She stayed at home until she delivered. But her dream to continue with her studies came to an end. Her single mother was not able again to take her back to school with a little income she had. The girl was eager to pursue her education further. The girl took a step to seek help from Juhudi children in crisis organization where she got a support to go back to school and pursue her education. She went back to repeat in form 3 and now she is doing her KCSE exam hoping to get a good grade to join a university next year. She hope to support other girls with challenges to pursue education in future with Juhudi children
Jul 23, 2015
Nafula shines in her studies
By Lucas Fwamba | Project Manager
Sheila Nafula is a fifteen year old orphaned girl from Trans Nzoia County who stays with her aged grandmother. It is for this reason that Juhudi identified her and enrolled her as one of its beneficiaries. Despite being an active member of juhudi programmes, Nafula scored 301 marks in her final grade 8 examinations and emerged 2nd best candidate in her school-a feat that amazed many including teachers and parents who thought she was wasting her time in engaging in Juhudi life skills activities. Nafula is a true champion of our programs as she has show with any littele support given to girls like her, they can both move to the next level in live." Thanks Juhudi for this great opportunity and trust that you have given to me and as seen me grow this far. Am sure am going and will always support young girls who may be facing the challenges of dropping out of school due to lack of support. Marriage is not a solution at our age for the challenges we are facing, we always pray that juhudi will continue to look for more peo[ple who will support more girls like me" said Nafula
Mar 25, 2015
Lydia Join school
By Lucas Fwamba | Project Manager
Lydia Nekesa is a 16 year old girl from a single parent family of mother after her father died 10 years ago. Lydia has been facing a school dropout challenge as she could not raise and get any support from the mother who works hard to feed her and other six children. After we identified her and prepared her to join secondary school, she was very happy that she could not control her emortions. she was jumping and singing that at longlast she will learn like other children in the community. We have paid her school fees and bought her school requirements and now she is in school. "am happy that am in school now. i will work hard to come and support other children in the community who face the same challlenges that i face. Thanks alot for Juhudi and all those who support us as girls who are at risk of dropping out of school" said Lydia.