Hurricane Matthew took many lives and destroyed communities in October 2016. The community of Miragoane in South West Haiti was one of the worst affected, and with houses and community buildings still in ruins nearly 6 months on, the people there need our help. We are raising money to rebuild and re-equip the Mussotte Baptist School so that its 465 students can continue their education in a safe environment. We cannot let the hurricane hold back the next generation of Haitians.
Mussotte Baptist School is in the coastal town of Miragoane in southwest Haiti. When Hurricane Matthew (the worst Caribbean storm in almost a decade), hit Haiti in October 2016, many of the houses and both the town's schools were severely damaged. Mussotte School has 465 students but still desperately needs a new roof, classrooms to be repaired, and replacement benches, desks and books. Without the school, the children of the area are missing out on education and their chance to escape poverty.
This project will repair and re-equip the school so that the 465 students and staff can return to the building and resume their learning in a safe place. The new roof will be made from reinforced concrete so it can withstand severe weather and earthquakes. 7 classrooms will be rebuilt and the school will be re-stocked with benches, desks, text books and stationary. The whole area needs re-building but the school is so important to the next generation of Haitians, it has to be the priority.
By focussing on rebuilding the school, the community will benefit from a safely built community hub which is important for the whole community. But more importantly, the reinstatement of adequate education for the region's children cannot be overstated. If long term poverty is to be overcome, education is vital. With every disaster, the threat to continuous education is significant. This building will ensure education can continue, and become a symbol of hope for the area as they rebuild.