In March, Wildlife Alliance’s Kouprey Express (KE) took 60 students and 20 community members from Kampong Som province to Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescued Center (PTWRC) for a unique wildlife experience! The participating students and community members had the opportunity to see, firsthand, the effects of wildlife trade and habitat destruction in Southeast Asia.
The trip to PTWRC was the culmination of a four day KE program in Kampong Som province. Beginning with two days of classroom lessons and activities at Kirivorn and Stoeung Chhay primary schools focusing on forests and wildlife, the third day played host to a Community Night Show for more than 200 community members after installing educational signage at both schools. On day four, students and community members were finally able to travel with the Kouprey Express to PTWRC and partake in a guided tour of the rescue center. Despite the day’s high temperatures, the participants’ enthusiasm never faltered and everyone was engaged in the stories of rescue and rehabilitation of the animals living at PTWRC. Following the tour, participants enjoyed an afternoon of art activities, games, and face painting influenced by their experience at PTWRC.
These field trips to PTWRC offer unique, hands-on environmental education to children and adults who would not otherwise have access to these kinds of experiences. The trips to PTWRC reinforce what is taught during KE classroom lessons and outreach events. Furthermore, this field trip with students and community members from Kampong Som would not have been possible in past years. In 2013, Kouprey Express signed a new MOU with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in Cambodia that enables Kouprey Express to conduct lessons, capacity building, and public events in Phnom Penh and Kampong Som, in addition to the lessons they were already providing in Koh Kong. This means that quality environmental education and interactive PTWRC field trips can be expanded to more youth and adults in Cambodia!
Interested in supporting Kouprey Express’s educational opportunities for Cambodian children? You can send another 75 children on an exciting trip to PTWRC through our micro-campaign. Help underprivileged, rural Cambodian youth attain quality education by supporting this campaign today!