By Sheena Thiruselvan | Communications Associate
On January 23rd, the Kouprey Express Mobile Environmental Education Unit (KE) was invited by the Peace Corps to visit Tani village in Kampot, Cambodia to conduct a classroom lesson for high school students and a Community Night Show (CNS) that same evening.The event was such a success, that the Peace Corps volunteers have already asked the team to come back in May to do the same activities at their female empowerment summer camp.
As the classroom lesson began, the KE team divided the students into two groups to discuss the benefits of forests and wildlife. After this brainstorming session, the team conducted their presentation, gave out t-shirts and played a boisterous round of games that included face painting. The students that attended were very enthusiastic, and they even emailed the team after the lesson asking about planting trees in their community.
After the lesson at the school, the Kouprey Express team began to set up for the Community Night Show at the nearby Angkor Chey pagoda. The Peace Corps volunteers had done such a good job advertising the event that when the team arrived at the pagoda, a slew of food vendors were already set up – a really good sign. The event eventually drew an audience of over 500! Feedback from the Peace Corps volunteers was overwhelmingly positive; they said that the villagers not only really enjoyed the event but also felt they had learned many things about wildlife, what is happening in Cambodia, and what they can do to help. These outreach events educate Cambodian citizens so that they can make informed decisions about their natural resources. Furthermore, the event’s success was highlighted on their Facebook page and as a result the Kouprey Express team has been approached by several new communities. They now have four new commitments in Kampot, Koh Kong, Kompong Thom, and Kompong Cham for March, April and May!
Help the Kouprey Express continue to raise awareness, empower communities and create grassroots support for wildlife and forest conservation all over Cambodia!
By Sheena Thiruselvan | Development Associate
By Sheena Thiruselvan | Development Associate
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