Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico

by Laboratorio de Imaginacion y Accion Social A.C.
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Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico
Protect 800 children from sexual abuse in Mexico


ASI no jugamos, that's not how we play, is a project that seeks to break the barriers of silence and empower children and youth in Malinalco, in rural Mexico, to talk about child sexual abuse. We are helping children and caregivers to develop the necessary skills to prevent and respond to this difficult reality.

total goal
monthly donors


In Mexico one in every four girls and one in every six boys, has suffered sexual abuse. In Malinalco, a small town in rural Mexico, one out of every 3 teenagers admits that they live or have lived through sexual abuse of some kind at least once in their lives. It is clear that the right to a life free of violence for children and teenagers is seldomly enjoyed.


We will implement prevention workshops for 200 children and teenagers; create a network of trained local people who will be spokespersons for the issue and will be able to detect and channel cases of abuse; generate and publish communication material at a local level and share tools and lessons learned with other organizations and in other communities to make an even greater impact.

Long-Term Impact

With this project, Imaginalco is seeking to generate tools and learnings that can be replicated in other communities in the country, in order to protect thousands of girls and boys in Mexico.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Laboratorio de Imaginacion y Accion Social A.C.

Location: Malinalco, Estado de Mexico - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Mayte Gallástegui
Malinalco , Estado de Mexico Mexico
$67,474 raised of $80,000 goal
1,382 donations
$12,526 to go
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