Project Report
| Oct 20, 2015
Protect 1800 people on Kokwa Island from Malaria
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
As mentioned in the previous report, we managed to buy a delivery bed for the dispensary auto clave machine Blood pressure machine and drugs especially anti malaria and malaria drugs. The community also had the opportunity to host visitors from USA who supported purchasing of the medical equipment and drugs. They had good times with them and they were very pleased to discover how much they had done towards community health through their support. On the other hand it was a great honour for the community members to host these visitors who has supported them that much. Among the visitors one of them was an optician who conducted eye checkups in the village and he was able to come up with a report on his findings after the exercise. He identified one serious case of a young boy who had eyes problem and one of his eye was almost blind. The boy was referred to Nairobi for further medication attention and early this month an eye surgery has been done. Although the eye might not function properly, the other eye was saved from a similar problem. We intend to conduct a medical camp if we succeed in fundraising. The community is very greatful and through us they have expressed their appreciation. We thank all our partners and well-wishers and we call upon them to continue supporting our communities.
Jul 28, 2015
protect 1800 people on Kokwa Island from Malaria
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
In Kokwa the progress is good and dispensary construction work still on-going with community looking to its completion soon although the pace is still slow. During the previous period we managed to do some activities in the dispensary which are still on-going and we hope that these activities will create some impacts to the beneficiary community. We have managed to purchase some dispensary furniture which includes a cabinet and desk and we are in the process of purchasing a delivery bed, autoclave machine and other medical equipment which the dispensary did not have previously and are very important for their day-day operation and services. We are very grateful for our partners who have supported this community and are planning to visit this community in August. We hope their visit will be fruitful, the community is very excited to host them.
Apr 30, 2015
Protect 1800 people on Kokwa Island from Malaria
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
The dispensary construction is still ongoing but still at a slower pace since there are more challenges emerging but we are happy that the process is still ongoing. Currently the community is being served through temporary dispensary where they have been receiving their health services. We have one volunteer from the region who has been assisting the nurse in serving to the community and we are happy that she will be pursuing her diploma in community health as from May 2015. The girl has been sponsored by our partners and they will be fundraising for towards her education to ensure that she completes her course successfully and this is a big and encouraging step.
In general Kokwa area has been affected by prolonged dry spell which has affected most parts of the country. As a result, we have had many health cases in the region affecting both children and adults in the region but we are happy we have able to deal with the most complicated cases by providing support for further medication to the affected people. We are optimistic the situation will improve soon as we have been receiving some rains in most regions in the month of April. Although in Kokwa it is just light showers we are optimistic that they will receive some good rains in the coming days. We take this opportunity to thank all our well-wishers and partners for their continued support and encourage them not t give up and encourage others to join this network of supporting the needy in our communities.