The project empowers 340 families (roughly 1800 people) on arid Kokwa Island in Kenya to protect themselves from Malaria with bed nets and enables Kokwa dispensary staff to properly diagnose and treat diseases.
Malaria is a major health threat facing 1800 inhabitants living around Lake Baringo. The disease accounts for 54% of clinic attendance and is directly related to high mortality rate and decline in community productivity. The island’s remote location leads to poor communication, limited information and inadequate medication. The project will ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of diseases and equip communities with disease prevention materials.
This project will include provision of bed nets treated with insecticides, training on disease prevention (that includes growing and processing of mosquito repelling Neem trees) and provision of disease testing equipments to local dispensary. .
The project will improve the health of 1800 people, allowing them to participate more in poverty alleviation activities: education, food production and governance matters, which will result in improved community productivity and living standards.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Excel file (projdoc.xls).