Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls

by ASAP Foundation
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls
Proper menstruation protection for 2000 poor girls


Menstruation is taboo within most rural families in Burkina Faso. The available disposable protection for menstruation are very costly, of poor quality and not biodegradable. The consequences of those facts are many: lost of dignity/self-esteem, absence from school, health problems, and work difficulty. We propose to make 50 sexual education presentations in schools and for women's associations. We would also like to offer 2.000 washable menstruation kits for poor girls/women.

total goal
monthly donors


Menstruation is a major issue for girl in Burkina Faso. They are not prepared since this subject is taboo. When they have their periods they do not have proper protection. Each month, girls might miss school for a few days during their period. This adds up, which leads to falling behind. The lack of proper protection can lead to stains, which leads to loss of self-esteem. By providing awareness on menstruation and washable high-quality protection, girls are empowered and can be without fear.


We have already given over 100 sexual education presentations in schools and for women's associations. We also provided 20.000 washable, high-quality protection for menstruation. We have seen the difference it makes both for girls who are no longer afraid and for the women who can go about their activities without complications. One woman told us: "I can go to the market without fear, now that I have my protection kit with me". Still many rural girls and women lack information and protection.

Long-Term Impact

The menstruation kits are produced in Burkina Faso by "Actions pour les Besoins des Femmes". ABF is non-profit and employs 5 people . ABF is linked with The US organization "Days for Girls", which provides the technical support. Information given during our sexual education presentations helps the girls understand their bodies better. This will empower them, as well as teach them how to better avoid unwanted teen pregnancy. The use of good protection will also help their hygiene.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

ASAP Foundation

Location: Naarden, NH - Netherlands
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ASAPBurkinaFaso
Project Leader:
Herve Millet
Velserbroek , nl-nh Netherlands
$2,365 raised of $46,500 goal
20 donations
$44,135 to go
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