Pakistan Flood Relief Fund

by GlobalGiving
Pakistan Flood Relief Fund


Flooding across Pakistan since June 2022 has affected at least 33 million people. The government has declared a national emergency as the floods killed more than 1,200 people and destroyed homes, crops, and livestock. At least 30 million people are in need of shelter. Your donation to the Pakistan Flood Relief Fund will provide immediate and long-term relief in affected communities.

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monthly donors


The Pakistan floods have affected communities in 116 districts, about 15% of the population. Sherry Rehman, Pakistan's minister for climate change, called the floods "unprecedented" and "the worst humanitarian disaster of this decade." Your donation to the Pakistan Flood Relief Fund will meet emergency needs, such as the provision of food, water, and shelter, and provide long-term support in affected communities.


All donations to this fund will support recovery and relief efforts for people impacted by flooding across Pakistan. Initially, funding will help first responders meet survivors' immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products, and shelter. The fund will then transition to support longer-term recovery efforts run primarily by local, vetted organizations in affected regions across Pakistan.

How Your Donation Will Be Used

When you donate to GlobalGiving's Pakistan Flood Relief Fund, your donation will provide:

  • Food, water, and shelter
  • Medical and psychosocial support
  • Economic assistance
  • Long-term support for resilience and rebuilding efforts
  • And more

Trusted and Reliable

GlobalGiving is one of the most reliable and trustworthy charities in the world. We have a four-star rating and nearly perfect score from Charity Navigator due to our stability, efficiency, sustainability, and commitment to transparency.

Our disaster relief funds have been recommended by the New York Times, the Associated Press, NPR, Washington Post, Oprah, ABC News, and the US State Department.

GlobalGiving's Track Record

GlobalGiving has been responding to disasters and supporting emergency aid and long-term relief programs since 2004. We have facilitated more than $143M in disaster donations to funds just like this one.

See how we've responded to similar disasters like this, including:

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Washington, D.C. - USA
EIN: 30-0108263

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Twitter: @GlobalGiving

About GlobalGiving’s Disaster Response

When a disaster strikes, recovery efforts led by people who live and work in affected communities are often overlooked and underfunded. GlobalGiving is changing this reality. Since 2004, we've been shifting decision-making power to crises-affected communities through trust-based grantmaking and support.

We make it easy, quick, and safe to support people on the ground who understand needs in their communities better than anyone else.

They were there long before the news cameras arrived, and they’ll be there long after the cameras leave. They know how to make their communities more resilient to future disasters, and they’re already hard at work. GlobalGiving puts donations and grants directly into their hands. Because the status quo—which gives the vast majority of funding to a few large organizations—doesn’t make sense.

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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