Be a life changer when you empower GITC to reach children in day care and Head Start programs with hands-on daily music making. As their teachers learn to lead music with GITC, your can help us provide ukuleles for the children to strum as part of learning their letters, numbers, shapes, and all the rest. This hands-on music puts them on a positive path and imparts music when their minds and bodies are growing the fastest between birth and six! And music is the gateway to learning so much more!
Young children in Head Start programs need opportunities to learn through the arts to get on a positive path to learning. Their teachers require essential musical training, and the programs also need instruments to make this happen. Many Head Starts lack the funds to accomplish this. On Mother's Day, please help early childhood educators and the 1000's of young children get the chance to learn, along with ukuleles for the preschool students to play at circle times each day..
Guitars in the Classroom has a special offer to purchase excellent ukuleles for just $25 each including shipping! Each teacher in one of our free GITC Early Childhood Education programs will be granted at least one ukulele for use by her young students plus a guitar and the training she needs to integrate songs for teaching letters, colors, numbers, shapes, sizes, weather, transportation, friendship, community, safety information, and more. Boost language and literacy in pre-school through song!
Children in their period of fastest cognitive and language development benefit long term from strumming & singing at school, and their teachers will be trained for life! As little ones move onto primary school with stronger language & social skills, their teachers will keep sharing the music & ukes with new students each year. This work also shifts the gender balance among guitar players where currently 94% are male; in GITC, 85% of our participants are are half of their students!
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Excel file (projdoc.xls).