Students who receive special education services have often been excluded from learning to make music at school. Isolated by physical, medical, cognitive, psychological, or behavioral conditions, so many have been left out. But these children benefit from making music in deep and life-changing ways! Please join us to bring down barriers to music participation through training special ed teachers & support staff to play, sing, teach, & lead adaptive music with their exceptional students everyday!
Students with exceptionalities have long deserved inclusion in musical learning. But stigmatizing diagnoses, limiting labels, and isolation in special day classrooms have left this misunderstood group of students cut off from music education. By adapting instruments, introducing music apps, and training teachers to individualize and lead music inclusively, all can participate. We continue to devise simple adaptations, inclusive strategies, and delivering free teacher training. Please support us!
This project gives music educators, classroom teachers, special educators, and therapists, and training, collaboration, tools, and adapted instruments they need to include students with IEPS and 504 medical plans in music along with their peers. Our free Adaptive Music workshops and courses in Social Emotional Learning through the Power of Song are opening doors to student creativity and improved self expression with percussion, ukulele, guitar, keyboards, vocalizing. The results are miraculous!
The project is moving the needle in education toward using music to empower and equip students to learn and express themselves more successfully. George (see video) suddenly found his voice with us at age 9. Last year he was the 7th grade validictorian! Teachers who lead adaptive music are showing families, colleagues and administrators how making music adaptively can move students from silence to speech, from wheelchairs to walking, from depression to laughter, and from agression to compassion.
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