Project Report
| Apr 13, 2012
What a difference a week makes!
![Polytank up before the storm]()
Polytank up before the storm
On 31 March 2012 Peter Smith wrote:
Building work is progressing well on the kitchen and dining hall. The polytank is now on the pillars. Misthy reports that Agartha, the qualified child carer, is making a positive difference for the children. Paul Shewell, a past volunteer, is
visiting the Centre for 2 weeks over Easter; he will be able to give us a first-hand update on the situation, and possibly help Misthy produce his annual reports (financial and narrative) for 2011.
On Easter Monday 9 April Misthy sent a text message:
"Sad news, we had a heavy rainfall with a severe wind and this has been collapsed part of the dining hall building. Between 600 and 700 blocks were affected. Also the poly tank fell and broke. No one was injured."
I await further reports and am thankful that no-one was hurt. Hopefully the damage can be repaired.
![The start of the dining hall building]()
The start of the dining hall building
Jan 17, 2012
Progress with both building and child care. A busy year ahead!
By Peter Elloway Smith | HATW link volunteer, project co-ordinating team
![Christmas Party]()
Christmas Party
The past couple of months have been busy times at the Centre: the impressive pillars for the polytank have now been built (see photo), and arrangements will soon be made for the polytank to be delivered and installed; this will ensure that clean drinking water is always available for the children, as the mains water supply remains intermittent.
We are delighted that a new carer, Agartha, who has formal childcare qualifications, has agreed to work at the Centre, initially on a trial basis.
In addition, Misthy has been busy finding a builder and his team to build the kitchen and dining room which will serve both the Centre and the Misthy Cee Educational Complex (MCEC) school. Funds have now been sent for work to start on the foundations of the building, and we hope to share further details and some photos as the work progresses.
Misthy also received some money so he could buy food and drinks for the children and adults at the Centre to have a party at Christmas time, and the photo shows a number of the children dancing and having fun.
Although most reports from the Centre are extremely encouraging, the fact remains that the children have some very basic needs that are not being fully met. Misthy has identified mosquito nets, mattresses, sheets and pillows as particularly pressing requirements, and any financial help that our supporters worldwide can give would be hugely appreciated.
![New water tank base]()
New water tank base
Oct 22, 2011
Latest news from MCDC
We hear that the concrete structure to support the large water tank has now been completed and the tank will be installed any day now. This will make a big difference in that water supply and storage has always been a major problem.
Agartha, a new carer, a lady with some years appropriate experience, has just started a trial period.
Fortunately in the GlobalGiving Bonus day this week we received a substantial donation which will cover wages for the coming year. At present we are supporting (in a very meagre way) the school head, papa who looks after the children, and two young carers.
Shortly we will embark on helping the construction of a dining hall and kitchen for the centre, and hope to get the foundations dug very shortly. I expect to have some more definite news in this area in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your ongoing support - much appreciated!