Knights In White Lycra is a Japan-based fundraising group of people of all ages and backgrounds who 'get fit & give back' through sporting events. KIWL has raised over Y115 million to help children from challenged backgrounds, to dream of a better outcome in adult life. KIWL has chosen to support Mirai no Mori NPO in 2023, who create life-changing outdoor programs for abused, neglected, and orphaned children in Japan, supporting their growth into happy and successful young adults.
Children living at care homes have fewer opportunities for experiential learning due to the limitation of the current child welfare system. It is nearly impossible to fully prepare for this sudden and substantial change from the sheltered life in care homes. And many children are overwhelmed by the new problems they encounter, such as managing their finances, balancing work and study, managing new relationships, social prejudice, and the stress of being alone.
Mirai no Mori program is designed to equip children with "Essential Life Skills" that they require when they become independent. Through Mirai no Mori programs, the children encounter many new ideas, values and an unique environment for them to think and act on their own. These experiences will naturally teach them about leadership, teamwork, and communication, and through new challenges and small mistakes, they begin to learn and make these new skills their own.
Mirai no Mori provides unique learning opportunities through multi-day residential camps and monthly day programs that support continuous experiential learning. We welcome children from 6-15 years old as campers, 16-18 as LITs (Leaders in Training participants) and 18 above as graduates. Together with your help, children discover new possibilities for themselves, leading to self-actualization and a flourishing future.