This project is extremely important to the Deep East Texas region. We will provide a biblically based financial education to High School, College, and adult students from the economically disadvantaged community of North Lufkin. This education will include a unique hands-on investment experience which will include investments in mutual funds, stocks, real estate, business ownership, and lending. We believe this education will promote small business development from within the local community.
The Deep East Texas region is in desperate need of a comprehensive financial literacy program which addresses how to manage personal finances, as well as understanding how to create generational wealth through sound investment management. The benefits from the program will impact any economically disadvantaged member of our community who chooses to participate in our program by providing a financial education, and means to affordable housing, lending, and even financial assistance if needed.
We believe the LIFE program will benefit the community by not only providing a resource for a quality education, but also a structure which permits giving back to the community, providing micro-financing, scholarships, and low income housing.
Our 10 year vision is to have an alumni of graduates who have implemented our biblically based teachings in their lives and who have changed their mindset with regard to personal finance and investments. We will have a investment group whose profits will be used to benefit the community. The community (through our program) will be actively involved in managing and making investment decisions after they have been properly trained to do so. We are looking to educate 100 students per year.