KCDC is the only organisation providing physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy to children living with disabilities in Western Uganda. This project will provide outreach rehabilitation services to 100 children living with disabilities in the rural villages who would otherwise be unable to receive therapy, allowing them to reach their full potential by supporting and teaching them to become more independent, improve community inclusion and promote access to education.
Approximately 1 in 10 children in Uganda have a disability, but only 18% have access to specialist rehabilitation. KCDC is the only organisation in Western Uganda that provides physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy for children with disabilities in their clinic, at school and in their homes. Many families live in extreme poverty in rural villages and are unable to reach KCDC, so we provide an outreach service to these families, improving a child's wellbeing & functional ability
This project will increase the number of outreach visits KCDC can conduct, and reach many more children living with disability in the rural villages of the Kabarole District. We will provide specialist rehabilitation and equipment such as chairs, splints and walking frames as indicated for each child's needs. We will employ 2 Ugandan community health workers to enable us to reach more children and their families.
Many children with disabilities never receive therapy and rehabilitation for their disability and therefore have an extremely limited outlook for their future. By providing therapy and rehabilitation, increasing awareness and understanding amongst communities, schools and medical centres we can change the future for 100 children directly and 300 more indirectly. This will allow children with disabilities to reach their full potential and have a chance at education and independence
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).