More than 22,000 homes and dozens of public facilities & infrastructures have been destroyed and damaged. In addition, 250 people have been killed and thousands injured. IDEP Bali alongside with local partners namely PKBI and KUN have provided medical needs and distributed basic needs for communities living in the evacuation posts of Village Cugenang and the surrounding villages.
Thanks to the generous donation of all IDEP donor partners, with a total support of nearly US$ 20,000, IDEP and our partners on the field have enabled to support two immediate needs, namely: (1) 212 families received emergency rations and household cleaning kit, (2) 1,294 people received medical service, (3) 1,099 people for mental health and psychological support through capacity building, PFA and psychoeducation and individual counseling. In addition, IDEP and partners were also able to support 20 emergency shelters and 1 unit Warehouse Satellite Post Emergency Response Cianjur and built 4 public kitchens to support the community in the camp areas.
- Based on the BNPB release on 25 Nov, the earthquake caused the damage of 58,000 buildings as well as landslides that prevented many people from reaching the city’s main hospital. The earthquake’s casualties were at least 310 deaths, 600 people severely injured and at least 7000 people experiencing light and/or medium injury, and 58.049 homes and hundreds public facilities were either destroyed or damaged. The earthquake also potentially displaced at least 62,000 people.
- The emergency response period for the earthquake in Cianjur West Java ended on Tuesday (20 December 2022). Central Sulawesi's disaster is currently set to enter an emergency transition phase to recovery.
- The Coordination cluster Meeting Crisis Center (Puskris) MOH office and Cianjur District Health Office.
- Most of NGO closing their support.
- There are only 2 NGO including our partner still on the field and reporting the activities.
- There is still need in support since most of primary health care building damaged
- All logistics for Puskesmas available in every district where the Puskesmas belongs.
- All transferred patients from Puskesmas will follow the same rule as before, with BPJS, and if the patient has no BPJS will be a problem. This needs to be discussed between coordination and MOH in Jakarta.
- Our partner (KUN) announced will be reduce medical activities and finished at 5 January 2023 and continue with Mental health possible and logistic watsan, waste management
Program Objective
This program's objective was to provide basic survival needs (food and non-food) for affected families in the evacuation camps in Cianjur, West Java.
Program Activities to Achieve this objective
- Field assessment conducted by 2 personnel as an advance team in the affected area Nov 22 – 23. After coordination with local authorities and observation, the team decoded follow-up intervention in Pasir Tunangan Hamlet as a potential area since there is no NGO or CSO that intervenes in the area. As for Medical support and the MHPSS program, these activities are not only covering Pasir Tunagan but also other villages around the Tunagan sub-district.
- Mostly, the affected people in this area received emergency support from individuals or relatives. They initially built communal tents with their own resources or support from their relatives.
- Pasir Tunagan Hamlet consists of three local administrators (RT) (01, 02, and 03) – RT or Rukun Tetangga is administrative support under the Hamlet. The community affected in this area is divided into three communal camps with a public kitchen in each camp respectively. The camps were supported with minimum facilities such as electricity, mattresses, andsome of blankets.
- Based on data collected from Puskesmas cadres and RTs on Nov 29, the aggregated data of Pasir Tunagan hamlet is as follows:
Medical Support
- Our medical team started to conduct medical activity in Tunagan hamlet, one of the highland areas in Wangunjaya Village, located 14 kms from the epicentrum of the 5.2 M earthquake. The access to the area is challenging and only accessible by motorcycles and 4 wheel-drive. The tracks were also very slippery when wet or during rain.
- On 26 November 2023, our team dispatched 3 doctors, 2 nurses, and 1 midwife to provide medical support and services to the affected population. Our team established 1 medical post in the middle of the IDP camps in Tunagan hamlet. On December 22,2022 the second medical tent was established near KUN Warehouse satellite in Wangunjaya Village to provide more proper medical services.
- Close coordination and communication with the Ministry of Health’s Crisis Center in the Cianjur Command-post, and Puskesmas Cijedil -- one of health centers which has a scope of work in Cugenang sub-district.
- Morbidity percentage from the beginning of services:
- The highest percentage of diseases is dominated by acute respiratory infection(ARI) 35.7%
- Generalized aches and pains 31.5%, probably related to trauma
- Hypertension 18.3%, the likelihood increases due to past medical history and along after the earthquake.
- Skin diseases 16.6%, possibly related to WASH, even though the community’s behavior related to WASH is also poor prior to even before the earthquake.
- There were 108 medical cases for children under 5 years old and ARI was the most common health issue. With ARI claiming as much as 66% of the total children's health issues (72 cases), it was one of the highest rates of disease. Rainy weather and crowded shelter conditions can further cause widespread transmission between IDPcamps. Not only respiratory tract infections, a highly contagious skin infection from spread of mites, also contributes to increasing morbidity of the affected population. The second most common health issue is scabies that claims 20% of the total cases with some of them experiencing secondary infections which cause fever and pus on their skin.
- 10 Several cases and patients were referred and transported with our ambulance Sayang Regional Hospital and Cimacan Regional Hospital to receive more advanced medical services.
Mental Health and Psychological Support
- Our team established collaboration with West Java Indonesian Clinical Psychologist Association, West Java Psychology Association, Rebana Foundation and Gusdurian Peduli.
- Due to the un-centralized IDP Camp, we decided to outreach the affected people at communal camps and individual camps
- PFA and psychoeducation (group and individual session, home visit) : MHPSS team did 27 Psychosocial Education and PFA sessions independently and together with other activity in 3 sub-district in Cianjur Regency (Cugenang, Bojong Picung and Cianjur Subdistrict), with total 743 participants (318 males and 425 females).
- Individual Counseling done for 1 male with schizophrenia.
- Capacity building : MHPSS team also did 4 session of PFA and psychoeducation training for colleagues and stakeholders such as West Java Indonesian Clinical Psychologist Association, West Java Psychology Association and IBU Foundation volunteers, also Cianjur District Health Office Public Health Care staffs, and health cadres. Participants in total 90 (49 female and 41 male).
- CFS Activities (Psychoeducation, PFA, education about earthquake and protection): In total 9 CFS activities in Wangunjaya Village in Cugenang Sub-district, and Limbangan Village in Cianjur Sub-district, with 265 children (118 female and 147 male).
WASH Support
- Our team identifies the location for the latrine in RT02 camp, since the camp location is quite far from community houses. And the other 2 camps locations are near the community housing.
- Our team conducted communication and coordination with camp leaders and members on potential locations to build latrines in the camp RT02 area.
- Our team has built 4 units of latrine, latrine was built in 3 different areas, 1 unit of residential area, 1 unit of places of worship and settlement, and 2 units in IDP Camp.
- Alongside our partner, we are building a 1 unit latrine in Warehouse Satellite Post Emergency Response Cianjur.
- Hygiene kit distribution was done on February 01, 2023. beneficiaries total 214 households from Tunagan Hamlets, Wangunjaya Villages, Cugenang sub-District, Cianjur District.
- We distributed 212 Cleaning Kit for Family from December 17, 2022 until December 20, 2022.
- Our partner has distributed 50 metal Waste Bin and 20 metal large Waste Bin in February 14,2023 to Tunagan Hamlets, Wangunjaya Villages, Cugenang sub-District, Cianjur District. The metal waste is for Family and the large is for the community.
Emergency Shelter Support
- Until February 14, 2023, 20 emergency shelter tents had been built in Tunagan Hamlet. 1 emergency tens in average consist 2-3 HH, and 5 of emergency tens modified the size (smaller) to accommodate 1 HH.
- The location and reposition for the emergency shelter tents discussed with head of Hamlet and RT
- The emergency Shelter size is 6x6m, and built with a bamboo frame based on KUN design and custom tent production.
- The emergency Shelter was built together with the community that already has brief training from KUN bamboo experts.
- Alongside our partner built 1 unit Warehouse Satellite Post Emergency Response Cianjur.
Food Services / Public Kitchen Support
- Our partner supported food materials for 3 public kitchens in camp areas from November 28, 2022 till January 31, 2023, that were managed by the camp management team on daily bases.
- Our partner built a Public Kitchen Tent in RT 01 Tunagan Hamlets with the community on January 20, 2023.
From Response to Recovery - DRR Strategy
At the end of January, we closed its Emergency Response. Afterward, we will continue with program recovery which will be conducted in March, and also work with our local partner. This program recovery will continue with training and capacity building of permaculture and community-based disaster management, particularly to build back better and safer with training on earthquake safe house construction (RAG/Rumah Aman Gempa) and increase community preparedness through active engagement of community-based disaster management groups (CDMG).