Your contributions to this cost-effective water well restoration imperative will profoundly improve the lives of the 27,500 beneficiaries living in extreme poverty in 35 rural Andhra Pradesh villages. There is truly no better philanthropic investment than to give clean water to those who urgently need it.
BridgIT Water Foundation's primary goal is to provide the basic human right of safe, clean water to those living without potable water. Equally important is to provide truly effective altruism to donors so they can maximize their philanthropic return on investment. Restored borewells in rural Andhra Pradesh villages meet both goals.
Water wells in rural areas of developing countries are in continuous use, and the pumps/pipes don't last forever. Unfortunately most villages don't have management systems in place to raise a maintenance fund, so broken equipment often means that women/children are again forced to walk miles to collect water often contaminated with waterborne pathogens for cholera, dysentery, and diarrhea. People (especially children) fall ill, further straining finances of families living in extreme poverty.
BridgIT can restore brokenwater wells in rural Andhra Pradesh villages of about 785 beneficiaries for only US$1,530. This means that for a capital cost of about US$1.95/beneficiary, people's health improves overnight, women and children recover hours every day from the drudgery of water collection, and that time can be spent on more productive activities to raise family incomes and advance the children's educations. Restored borewells give people hope that they can graduate from extreme poverty.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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