Panchakanaya school is 43Km North-West of Kathmandu. Schools in Nepal only receive a minimum of Government funding and the remainder has to be found by the local communities, which is a difficult ask in some rural farming communities. IGWR-Nepal will be working with Dharmik foundation who have adopted Panchakanya as their second project after successful completion of a second floor of classrooms they built for another rural school in the Kavre district which has proven to be a great success.
IGWR-Nepal has completed much work on the school infrastructure as the local community cannot fund such work. We now have a group of willing friends that will complete the outstanding work on the school if we can raise the funds required. We're looking at simple improvements and school uniforms that will encourage full attendance from the local kids. Already we have completed similar projects in another rural location with great success.
By giving kids uniforms they feel that they have a place at the school and are no different from their peers, however families cannot always afford this luxury and so keep their kids at home. The work to finish of the school building and provide a playground facility also gives the children an added sense of school being a place that values them.
When children are encouraged to come to school and are then valued at school they have a much greater potential to bring about the future development of themselves, theri families, communities and their country.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).