Help more young people to finish their studies

by Fundacion Accion Joven
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Help more young people to finish their studies
Help more young people to finish their studies
Help more young people to finish their studies
Help more young people to finish their studies
Help more young people to finish their studies
Help more young people to finish their studies
Help more young people to finish their studies


Fundacion Accion Joven runs its annual fundraising campaign, this year called "I say present" which proposes to execute actions that promote student in public high schools in a vulnerable condition to continue studying, in the context of the impact of COVID-19; this in order to provide opportunities for young people to successfully complete their studies, as a strategy for social mobility and the achievement of personal goals.

total raised
monthly donors


In the context of a pandemic, a worldwide crisis has been generated in responding to new forms of pedagogical mediation. This situation has not been different in Costa Rica, where there are challenges related to digital literacy and connectivity, which generates greater challenges for the public education system in developing mechanisms for student retention. By 2019, Costa Rica reported less than 50% of young people finishing high school, which has worsened in the context of a pandemic.


From the Foundation we have 15 years of experience working on issues of successful student retention, so with the support of this project we will be able to support the public education system in innovating and generating new student retention strategies that respond to new global challenges.

Long-Term Impact

Education is the main mechanism of social mobility, so by ensuring education for the young generation, development is ensured both at the level of each person and family, as well as at the country level. Education makes it possible to strengthen citizenship in social, economic and cultural terms.


Organization Information

Fundacion Accion Joven

Location: Curridabat, San Jose - Costa Rica
Facebook: Facebook Page
Fundacion Accion Joven
Karolina Rojas
Project Leader:
Karolina Rojas
Curridabat , San Jose Costa Rica

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