Supporting children and families in Cambodia

by M'Lop Tapang
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Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia
Supporting children and families in Cambodia


For more than 13 years, M'Lop Tapang has been working with vulnerable Cambodian children and families living in the coastal city of Sihanoukville providing shelter, medical care, sports, arts, education and training, counseling, family support, family reintegration, and protection from all types of abuse. Much of the work we do is directly in the neighborhoods that at-risk children hang out and vulnerable families live. We couldn't do this without having a reliable way to travel to these areas

total raised
monthly donors


Increasing numbers of adults and children are migrating from the poor countryside to major urban areas like Sihanoukville, resulting in the expansion of slums and increased numbers of street children and unemployed youth and adults. M'Lop Tapang travels out to the community each day to where we know at-risk children hang out and vulnerable families live, but could not does this without a way of getting there. This project will benefit more than 2,000 vulnerable children and 1,500 families


We need to buy a good used vehicle. Not something flashy, just something that is dependable and can get us to those areas that we know have high concentrations of vulnerable Cambodia children and families. Our plan is to sell two of our older vehicles and buy a good used dependable pick up. That will help with some of the costs but we still need to raise another $9,000.

Long-Term Impact

This project will promote the health, safety, and well-being of vulnerable Cambodian children and youth allowing them to grow up to be more responsible, contributing members of society.


Organization Information

M'Lop Tapang

Location: sihanoukville, sihnaouk province - Cambodia
Project Leader:
Roth Chanphalkun
sihanoukville , sihnaouk province Cambodia

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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