The war in Ukraine is a major problem for adults and children receiving or needing palliative care in Ukraine. An estimated 500,000 adults and children in Ukraine are dying or have palliative care needs in Ukraine annually. These seriously ill people, the sickest in our health care system, are stuck in Ukraine or are being moved to palliative care programs in Poland, Romania, and Moldova. Our colleagues in these countries are being overwhelmed and need your help!
Hospice and palliative care programs in Ukraine caring for hundreds of seriously ill children and adults are under assault and many patients have been transported to nearby countries for palliative care, including Poland, Romania, and Moldova. They are getting overwhelmed and need your support.
WHPCA and it's partner organizations (International Children's Palliative Care Network - ICPCN, Palliative Care in Humanitarian Aid Situations & Emergencies - PallCHASE, & Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation) have dozens of members providing palliative care in Ukraine and neighborhood countries. They are calling out for help in managing the flood of new patients & support for those that cannot leave Ukraine. We can't send supplies so we need to raise funds help them.
Once the war and hostilities end in Ukraine this project will help to rebuild access to palliative care for adults and children in Ukraine.
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