Vulnerable young people: Job and life skills

by Fundacion Oportunidad
Vulnerable young people: Job and life skills


FOP is a non-profit organization focused on increasing opportunities for economic and social development of young people in situation of social vulnerability in Argentina. In line with the MDGs, we advocate equal opportunities, gender equality and the promotion of valued work. We build a bridge between them and companies/universities through job training, mentoring and labour intermediation. So far, up to 85,000 young people have participated in our projects.

total raised
monthly donors


According to The Permanent Survey of Households (EPH) the so-called "neets" (16 to 24 year-olds not in education, employment, or training) comprise of around 750,000 Argentinian citizens.Youth unemployment is concentrated in the most vulnerable groups: young women and less educated young people. The Ministry of Labour of Argentina reveals: 29.8% of young population in Buenos Aires is employed, but 63.3% work in precarious situations generating a weak employment situation.


Creating new opportunities for young people to access the world of employment, through socio-labor training, intermediation and support from tutors within the process of full employment. Our team specializes in building bridges between youth and businesses/schools, and provides the necessary tools for successful inclusion. Our main goal is to continue developing programs that promote active practices among them to build a life where one's desires, resources and interests have a privileged place.

Long-Term Impact

This project has been designed from the ground up to be sustainable. Due to the level of impact of this design on young people, families, peer environment, businesses and community, as it interferes with all of them, it builds a complex net of actors capable of replicating this very same model and therefore becoming authors of the tools and learned skills. We seek to achieve a rate of labour market insertion of 25% in 2015.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).


Organization Information

Fundacion Oportunidad

Location: Capital Federal, Buenos Aires - Argentina
Fundacion Oportunidad
Andrea Hellemeyer
Project Leader:
Andrea Hellemeyer
Capital Federal , Buenos Aires Argentina

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