Students in Bulgaria score lower on average in reading, math and science compared to peers in developed economies. They face greater inequity in access to quality education and fewer young adults pursue training, higher education or employment, compared to peers in the EU. Teach For Bulgaria believes in the potential of every child. Transforming school leadership and teaching methods will ensure that every student has access to quality education to develop key skills and knowledge for success.
Students in Bulgaria face higher inequality in access to quality education, perform worse in math, reading and science, and pursue employment, training or higher education at lower rates than peers in the EU and other developed economies. Inequality and performance have been worsening since 2012 and the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to these trends. Ineffective teaching and school leadership practices must be transformed, so that every student can reach their full potential.
Model Schools is a 2 year program for school transformation, run by Teach For Bulgaria. All public schools in Bulgaria are eligible to apply and if selected, undergo training and support focused on developing effective leadership and teaching methods, focused on student-centered, project-based and collaborative learning. Selection into the program is based on school teams' motivation to participate, previous experience in improving aspects of their work, and their working dynamic.
Teach For Bulgaria strives to transform 10% of all public schools in the country (approx. 200) by 2026 via the Model Schools program. Improved school leadership and effective teaching in these schools would enable over 90,000 students to develop key skills and knowledge necessary for their successful integration in the labour market and as valued members of their communities.
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