According to the latest government statistics, more than 4.6 million dropouts from primary schools in Iraq. The educational gap between urban and rural areas remains a serious social problem, with crises of displacement, displacement, communal violence, and orphans to address this problem, for 17 years BAORD has been leading a social movement to bring tens of thousands of disadvantaged schoolchildren into the classroom, to transform their lives.
Statistics of government agencies and international organizations concerned with children show the extent of the tragedy, which has reached dangerous levels, as a result of the battles and war raging in Iraq, one UNICEF study said "Children make up the majority of up to 4.5 million Iraqis at risk of falling into poverty and deprivation due to the impact of covid-19". making them vulnerable to falling prey to the exploitation at the hands of terrorist groups
Our project addresses this issue through five programs: 1) a financial aid program to help children in primary and secondary schools, 2) a scholarship program to support high school and college students, 3) a library program to ensure rural children have access to the books they need to read, and 4) a program Improving the quality of life. 5) Ensuring orphans study, health, breathing, and empowering the mothers of orphans
Donations collected from this project will keep thousands of rural students in classrooms. Psychological and legal support will have more books to read and a better learning experience. All of these changes combine to reduce the educational gap between urban and rural areas of Iraq, and ultimately the economic division between urban and rural areas. The sponsored students will be empowered to become better future leaders as well.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).
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