We have been so excited to see growth with Inspiring Girls USA! Here are some exciting highlights:
- 11 registered schools/organizational partners across six states with more in the works
- 130+ registered role models from 13 different states
- 2,200+ average visits a month to our Video Hub, with 15 percent of visits coming from the USA
- 19 new lesson plans and reference tools for teachers and partners
- Planning our 3rd Finding Your Inspiration Series Event
- Incredible responses to our #ThisLittleGirlIsMe campaign on social media, where thousands of women joined and shared inspirational stories and words of advice for girls
- The nomination of our first Global Young Ambassador for our international activities as well as the implementation and nominations of our first two USA Young Ambassador for our national program
We have been able to meet with companies about corporate sponsorship opportunities as well, and we have seen a lot of interest in partnerships to help expand our reach of young girls. Thank you for the support so far - you are helping us inspire the next generation of women!