In 2020, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, affected the most vulnerable of our fellow humans deprived of a permanent roof, living in precarious conditions, exposed and marginalized. Emfasis Foundation has so far provided: - 1000's of basic necessities with contactless deliveries, psychosocial services via the operation of the 2 mobile support units & streetwork/outreach teams, a hotline number for immediate support and recording of emergency lockdown needs and vital information leaflets.
The requests for survival goods and psychological support raised by 67%, most state services were shut, and our beneficiaries did not have access to updates & vital information regarding operating hours etc. The vulnerable communities who needed to receive regular hospital treatments couldn't be accepted back into any shelters or temporary accommodation since they were considered as breaking the quarantine, hence putting the rest of the guests in danger of contracting Covid19.
We will manage to extend our support to as many requests as possible, with your help, starting from the basic needs. Our plan is to provide survival kits including -masks - gloves - toothpaste - baby wipes - cleaning soap - cans with condensed food - water - juices - snacks - blankets - sleeping bags - clothing items (coats, pants etc.) - shoes - books - temporary housing for people in need with health problems that cannot stay outside exposed.
With your contribution we'll manage to provide human living conditions to our beneficiaries and offer them dignified solutions to their most urgent needs. In a period where human contact is rare and precious, our teams will remain present on the field, offering guidance and counseling. This will be extremely beneficial for the mental health condition of these communities.