Project Report
| Jun 1, 2021
Reducing our carbon footprint!
By Shayle Havemann | Project leader
The concentration of carbon emissions produced by humans has doubled over the last 60 years, yet we continue to take a business-as-usual approach, in turn killing our people, wildlife, and habitat. Many of our projects around the world focus on immediate issues such as hunger, education and poverty and often projects seek the cheapest solutions such as open fires and cheap materials as they are uneducated in the issues of carbon emissions.
Our long-term impact is to transition communities and businesses to become carbon-friendly and create a safe and protected future for our children. We will restore damaged ecosystems and rainforests while renewing water supplies to combat climate change. Minimising the carbon outputs of businesses and helping them eco-friendly choices will greatly benefit their social responsibility, making them more appealing to public. Together we can slow the negative impact down and help our planet to regrow
Thank you for your support
Feb 1, 2021
Reducing our carbon footprint!
By Shayle Havemann | Project leader
The concentration of carbon emissions produced by humans has doubled over the last 60 years, yet we continue to take a business-as-usual approach, in turn killing our people, wildlife, and habitat. The Climate Crisis is a hot topic across the globe at the moment and that is because this is really is our last chance to act now otherwise the future of our planet is not going to be the same ever again.
Minimising the carbon outputs of businesses and helping them eco-friendly choices will also greatly benefit their social responsibility, making them more appealing to the public. Together we can slow the negative impact down and help our planet to re-grow. We still have $9300 to go to reach our target.
Thank you for your support
Sep 28, 2020
Our Carbon Footprint affects all Walks of Life
By Daniel Sitarenios | Operations Manager
Dear Friends and Family,
We are the absolute last hope for the ocean to recover and not contain more plastic than fish but we have less than 30 years left to achieve it.
Since our last report we struggled longer than we expected due to COVID-19 putting a pause on education and our movements and as such it has been a much slower start than we expected but this is a good thing as we need more time to fundraise.
We have over 10,000 students around the world ready to engage in the ocean and become ambassadors for change. These young minds are at the ripe age to educate and open their eyes to the serious and critical issue we face. However education is not free and we need resources, equipment and the qualified teachers to help us make this a worthwhile and impactful project. We aim to bring education to live by providing in water lessons with the use of snorkels (funded by you), outreach events at schools and at youth township events in partnership with the local aquariums so we can take real sea life out on the road and engage youths at a young age. Talking about plastics, micro-plastics to youths is the best way to promote alternative packaging and ensure our future consumers have the knowledge and passion to force large corporates into tackling their plastic waste.
Due to COVID our team couldn’t sit on the sofa doing nothing so we took this opportunity to produce high quality and accredited online courses and content for all ages from Age 3 and above and now we want to launch this internationally.
This project is showing some amazing interest and now we only lack the funds to make it globally possible so please help us with any donations and share our project with your friends and family.
Stay Safe and Thank You
With Gratitude,