Pakistan is a male dominated society where women have last call on family resources. Their healthcare needs have lesser priority and as 2/3rds of the population lives around the poverty line there is never any money to get them treated. Conscious of this LRBT has in its 28 years of operations focused especially on female blindness treating 13 million women which has significantly reduced the extent of female blindness. Still there are approx. 9.6 million poor blind/visually impaired women.
Pakistan is a male dominated society where women have last call on family resources. Their healthcare needs have lesser priority and as 2/3rds of the population lives around the poverty line there is never any money to get them treated. Women are the anchor of the family. They are the nurturers and carers of children. And when a mother loses her vision the family breaks up with many husbands abandoning their disabled wives with disastrous effects on the young
The project will restore vision of 312 poor blind women living below the poverty line in rural areas of Pakistan through a network of LRBT's 17 state of the art, purpose-built free eye hospitals spread all over the country.
These women will be transformed into productive, income generating individuals and will be economically and socially independent with improved position in the family hierarchy also improving the standard of living for their families. Average family size in the rural areas is 6 people/family thus these women will once again perform their roles in agriculture, household & live stock management earning approximately $70 /month and improving lives of 1872 individuals.