Acres of Mercy provides quality, accessible Competency-Based Education to 250 children yearly in Matungulu Sub-County, Kenya. We solve the problems rural parents face in providing quality education; We provide quality learning infrastructure and resources. We will build 3 Junior Secondary School classes, 1 Science Lab &1 skills makerspace; Equip library; Provide coaching to teachers for quality CBC outcomes; Provide quality early childhood learning experiences & Nurture children's sports skills.
According to The World Bank, millions of children are in school but not learning. Without learning, education will fail to deliver on its promise to eliminate extreme poverty and create shared opportunity and prosperity for all. Even after several years in school, millions of children cannot read, write or do basic math. Acres of Mercy is working to deliver quality education and learning in Nguluni, Kenya where it is providing learning opportunities to 250 children from poverty annually
Working with partners, Acres of Mercy will provide quality learning/ education to targeted children, supporting and enabling them to learn and succeed in and out of school. We will provide quality learning environments and learning resources; teacher professional development for quality teaching and effective student learning whatever the need; student psycho-social support including meals, uniform, health support, counselling, and mentoring to help develop strong character, skills and talents.
Our interventions in education will enable young people be in school and learn in ways that will ensure they transition into employment or create employment, thus ensuring better earnings, good health, and a life without poverty. For our communities, this will spur innovation, create new industries, strengthen institutions, and foster social cohesion and integrity. The community will take a pronounced role in caring, nurturing and protecting its biggest source of wealth and development- children
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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