The project targets to provide 18 rolls of high density black plastic water pipe rolls to Nkoansiyo village which do not have access to water where villagers will dig trenches about 2.5 kilometers from nearest water source and lay down the water rolls which will aid to bring water closer to their home hence reducing long walking searching for water, reduce water born disease problems and encourage more number of children to attend school.
Safety water is not yet accessed by many people in rural Tanzania where 70% of the entire population live in rural areas of which 44% of the population had no access to safe water supply. Shortage of water add more time to women whereby half of working hours are used searching for water several kilometers away. Another group affected by inaccessible of water is school children who need bathing, washing school uniforms and early breakfast before going to school.
The water pipe rolls Project aim to bring water closer to the communities where about 250 households will be benefited hence reducing water availability issues, women having more time on income generating activities, making school children go to school very clean and having good time at home working on school homework after school hours, community having improved sanitation, clean water hence reduced water-borne diseases.
This project is aiming to have deep trench with 2.5 kilometers long and lay on it 18 rolls of high density black plastic water pipe rolls in order to bring water close to community which will be available throughout the year hence eliminate the long walk for women and girls searching for water, eliminate the rape attempts for women and girls in the evening hours when walking fetching water; also having healthy community free from diseases hence productive people for their society and country.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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